Wetts1012;292825 wroteNo.
Online poker is not about learning what you do well and feeling like a champ when you do it.
Its about learning what you dont do well and stopping that, then feeling like a champ. When you do this, you wont be disappointed by these types of hands, you'll be encouraged.
When someone jams 4BB with AK and I call them in the BB with 68 suited and I get there, that's not a bad beat, thats bad play.
What the OP needs to understand is that these are not bad beats he's posting. And if he doesnt get that, he'll never get better. If you want to get better you need to plug leaks. Figuring out how you got to 3BB and fixing that will make you feel a hell of a lot better than coming here and posting your weak beats.
This from a guy that managed to get down to 1/2bb HU.