Heading to ottawa for the newyear, wondering if anyone has a lot of experience at this casino, I have heard its alright and players are treated well, wondering a bit about the games, tight loose actual fun and gambling. Least so I have a bit of an idea what I am in for.
the games are loose passive. rake is high. will be either 1/2, 2/5 or 5/5 going. games run from 11 am to 4 am or so
I hit up Lac Leamy about once or twice a month. The casino itself is very nice and is open 24 hours. The poker room has its own walled-in section in the left-side of the casino (past the roullette/craps tables), so you are separated from the constant noise of the slot machines.
The room is quite nice, chairs are comfortable, there are a few tv screens, and it has its own bar area to order drinks.
On a Thurs-Sunday, there will be at least 4-5 1/2 tables and 4-5 2/5 tables. Dealers are quite competent, brush very friendly, floor staff okay.
It is a relatively light atmosphere at the tables... 1/2s have a real mix of players obviously, so I hate to generalize, especially on my small sampling size, but they tend to be on the loose side. At 1/2 in Lac Leamy, I play basic TAG poker, bet aggressively post flop against all but calling stations, and do fairly well. There are alot of chasers.
At 2/5 there will be more regs that are a bit nitty, so if you are comfortable playing more aggro you can spot and exploit these players from late position. You then have to evaluate about 2-3 others at the table (usually the quieter players). 3-bet more at 2/5... But the tables are still relatively friendly... I have never seen any real issues.
A few things to note:
> Evenings can get pretty busy, but you can call in advance for 2 hours to get on the list, if you have a players card. If you do not have a players card, still call to get on the list, but then go to the main casino desk to get a card when you show up at the casino entrance, before you go to the poker room.
> You cannot drink alcohol at the tables, but you can order at the bar and drink it between hands.
> It may take you a few hands to get used to the French cards when you look down at your hand... Kings are an "R", Queens a "D" and Jacks a "V".
> I think they have small buy-in tourneys on Tuesday and Thursday nights, with a larger buy-in one Sunday per month... they have their schedule online.
> There are a couple of good restaurants at the casino and also downstairs (lowest level) there is a 24 hour (I believe) grill that has decent hamburgers.
> If you like to gambool and play roulette, then the Quebec casinos offer European roulette wheels, which only have one zero. So, you gain a 2.7% edge against the house compared to the American wheel...
If it is a weekend that I am there, then I usually wear my San Diego Chargers lightning bolt cap...
Im the guy dressed like the sucker!!....probably showing up sunday most of the day, maybe saturday and monday....have to see how it fits in lol.
planning to head there some today, least for a few hour session, blue man group at 9 to see...."Im just trying to learn the game, hope the french can show me, the people I play with do not show me a damn thing!!"
I would actually advise this casino to anyone going in the ottawa or hull direction, a beautiful casino, floor treats you well, the wait staff seemed a bit slow, not a lot but I cant judge that too much when I dont use them anyway.
Games are very smooth everything is dealt with well BUT, players can not chop pots pre-flop, seemed off to me but perhaps the seneca concept is that, I raised to $32, got popped to $132, I raised to $1100 (what do I have duh!) he calls I show he shows we reach for our money, starts dealing myself and the other guy were both WOAH WOAH WOAH what ya doing!!!.....anyway nothing came of it but seems to be the way there and so be it. Had a huge mucked hand mix-up later at one point, minus the 10 minutes it took to check the camera it actually ended correctly course the loser was mad lol!
Most importantly for some on this forum all the non $1 chips are actually good condition and quality.
Probably 22+ hours 3 sessions, up somewhere over 1k, thats after losing as the 8 to 1 favourite for a $1600 was actually very nice playing no limit with all canadians french or not, everyone was great humored people
Glad you had a good and profitable time at Lac Leamy. I was not there at all this weekend as our NYE/weekend plans changed a few times. The room must have been pretty busy...
The room was not out of control, during NYE, there were at least 3 regulars there I was aware of at 2/5 kevin,ryan and tiger(i dont know if thats actually his name, kept getting called that, thought he was a superstar....more like pay off wizard!) they do really hype up the new year, which does matter to some just not me START THE GAME!!.....when you cant find a good casino within an hours drive you want to play when your there.