original raiser was 30/30 in short sample size
BB 17/17 over 100 hands...
My image is tight, but I had 3-bet pre a couple times in the last orbit, last one being the previous hand, raising over BB
PokerStars - $8+$0.80|6000/12000 NL (9 max) - Holdem - 5 players
Hand converted by PokerTracker 3
Hero (SB): 457,412.00
BB: 820,090.00
UTG: 258,475.00
CO: 291,339.00
BTN: 658,509.00
Hero posts ante 1,200.00, BB posts ante 1,200.00, UTG posts ante 1,200.00, CO posts ante 1,200.00, BTN posts ante 1,200.00, Hero posts SB 6,000.00, BB posts BB 12,000.00
Pre Flop: (24000.00) Hero has Q:diamond: A:diamond:
CO raises to 26,547.00,
Hero raises to 64,999.00,
BB raises to 119,950.00,