philliivey Ya I was not watching either, but everyone was saying what a cluster f!@# it was on the players side and on stars side. I can only imagine,LOL. Wondering if anyone on here knew anything further about it, losing 900k (except maybe the 200k they had to keep aside?) is still like this guy got raped hard.
betrthanphil lol prob made like a 5 way deal. so no he didnt get raped hard as 5th was only getting like 300k or something. remember 3rd was 600kish. so final 4 or final 5 deal makes sense here
Richard~ betrthanphil;291261 wrotelol prob made like a 5 way deal. so no he didnt get raped hard as 5th was only getting like 300k or something. remember 3rd was 600kish. so final 4 or final 5 deal makes sense here heh, final 20 deal makes sense here imo