Milo trigs;290760 wroteman that's disturbing. This post could be applied to so many of Kristy's threads . . .
Kristy GTA Poker;290745 wroteSmall town MN just isn't the cultural mecca you envisioned? I have two black friends...I'm pretty gangsta by MN standards. pokerJAH;290765 wroteI do the monkey if she shaved her ass. Nit.
Cerberus Scarily accurate. God, this must be what war vets feel like when they're having flashbacks... I... I can't breathe... She's... everywhere!
Milo Kristy_Sea;327231 wroteSometimes I forget how awesome I am. Your child will disabuse you of this notion by grade 2 . . . grade 4, tops. ^-^
Kristy psssh, I already have a 15 year old who has thought I was awesome the whole damn time. ...upon further reflection this may be a maturity-level beat.
DrTyore Statistically speaking, one of the CPFers reaaaaaaaaaaally likes this thread.... And that's just not healthy at all Mark
Kristy This subforum has not had a new thread since 2012. It is my deepest wish that this still be the lead thread in 2016.
AcidJoe giving up all meat (except for fish) starting Saturday. Not sure about seeing well endowed women on a horse.