SuitedPair The sunday million has 10MM GTD. there is just over 2 million in buy ins registered, and sattelites with about another 1/2 million. So as it sits the overlay is massive. Anyone in? Anyone think the Overlay will still be substantial at kick off? going to try and Satty in.
djgolfcan I doubt there will be an overlay by the time late registration is done. They need around 46,000 players to meet the guarantee, and judging by how many players they got last week for the $10 Sunday Storm Million, they should have no trouble. Sadly, my in-laws will be here for Christmas dinner that day( they are snow birds and leave for Arizona next week) nd there is no way my wife is going to let me play during dinner.
trigs i hope i have time tomorrow to play this. i doubt it though. i'd like to try and sat in if possible.
Cerberus Too much to do tomorrow, opening shift Monday oh, and of course, the lack of bankroll and skill needed to play this while having any hope in hell of winning :)
literation Might be good to watch a couple of tables off and on during the day / night. Post here if you want a rail.
Pinhead RWPKRPLR;290893 wrotesee you at the final table:D +1 Doesn't look like it'll be even close to an overlay, almost 48K runners and still almost 3 hours of late reg to go. Guess I'll just have to win more than 2 million ;)