westside8 compuease;292169 wroteIs it Blackberry? I have a twitter app for mine.. BlackBerry - Twitter - Download BlackBerry Twitter Mobile - Canada Probably company disabling apps from being installed? And added...
SteveKerr Wetts1012;292164 wrote3 Weeks away. I have no twitter / facebook access from my lame work phone but I will set up a BBM sweat group. Add me @ 27EFC918 Maybe crazykoby can keep us updated on twitter for those of us that don't have blackberry's
Wetts1012 westside8;292173 wroteProbably company disabling apps from being installed? And added... this.
westside8 SteveKerr;292174 wroteMaybe crazykoby can keep us updated on twitter for those of us that don't have blackberry's When Wetts update I can probs post something on Twitter.
Wetts1012 Hello Bappers. Due to some issues with living in Canada, my initial flight was cancelled this morning. As a result, Ive missed the 340 today - just got into my room. Im gonna headout and play the $100 3pm @ Harrahs which shouldnt get too many runners and then the $150 7pm 2nd chance @ Caesars. LMK ITT if you want me to roll your % from the 340 into these events and refund the diff - of just refund the % of todays event. Im outa here so just post before I get back later tonight. Cheers, The Management
Hobbes GTA Poker;295680 wrotewhat evs, just make me some monies...lol canada...took me 14h to get to san jose yesterday Did you know the way? :D
Wetts1012 We're on the board. Chopped the 3pm @ harrahs for 650 3 ways. Its LOL to chop a 25 person tournament 3 ways but avg stack 3 handed was 3BB. Busted the 7pm Caesars AA < 910 on a 8910. Will prob roll the last part of the bap from today into the 11pm.
Wetts1012 mmmm. idk what those last 2 posts were about but a quick update. Busted the Ante Only yesterday rather unceremoniously 77 < JJ in mid position got snapped by the button. This was the 300 ante level and I had about 12k so I think jamming is mathematically the right move there. It was a really fun tournament but super high variance and only lasted 10 hours to its finish entirely. It was the first time theyve ever done it live and I suggest for anyone who gets a chance to play.