The_Game;290290 wroteI agree missing a huge draw is not a bad beat, but i completly miss it about 4 diffrent occasion.
Here is a hand i lost.
My hand is A5 of Diamond.
Flop is. A(s) 2(d') and 4 (d)
Player a bets 100
Player b raise to $250
The pot is $ stack is about $500. Player b cover me and player A have about 200 behind.
I have nut flush draw and straight draw. WHAT would you do? I personally think all in or fold.
I went all-in for $480
Both player call..
Player B show AK and player A show AQ.
I had 12 outs giving me about 49 per chance to win. Anyways i missed it all and called it a day..
16 lossing session in a row.. How do you come out of that? How do you end the lossing streak. Do you change your habbits, change of style, or just go through it..
Any game where 2 players will stack off in the same hand with 1 pair and no draw is a great game. I get my money in here all day if I can put these players on these hands...the variance in NLH is why you have a bankroll. You are about 50% to win the pot getting great odds on your money.
The question is what ranges did you put these players on before shipping your stack? What was the preflop action? How big is the pot before the flop? How does each player play and what are their usual betting patterns, etc? The math is great but in live poker you have so much more info than just the math.
I'm assuming this is 2/5 and you're only 100bb deep? If so there isn't much consideration about stack value and stack protection.
Losing one bi at a good game shouldn't be any reason to call it a day -- what is your bankroll? Were you tired or stuck more than this one bi?