Richard~ I really want to play some more poker when I'm in prague. There's a 200 euro on sunday as well but I'll try to sell a bit of this event for now. No markup and I'll play if I sell 35% or more. There's probably no way to follow my progress in realtime but if I get backers I'll try to give an update during each break I don't really care about turning a huge profit myself so I'm probably selling up to 60-70% if there's interest but I will cap it if I change my mind and feel like I don't want to sell any more action. Any help will be appriciated, easiest way to stake me is through stars transfer to IRichardI . Any winnings will be repaid according to the current dollar to euro rate which is 1,34 If you want to buy a piece of my action, please don't transfer the funds before I reach interest for 35% to avoid me having to send money back to people for no reaosn Shares: 5% = 27,2 *1,34 = $36,5 10% = 55 * 1,34 = $73 20% = 110 * 1,34 = $ 146 Also, if you're interested in action for the 200 euro event on sunday let me know =)
Richard~ Just over 10% paid, between 10 and 15 depending on the number of entries. Registration opens tomorrow so I can't tell but I estemate it'll be somewhere between 70 and 130 players.
Richard~ Just over 10% paid, between 10 and 15 depending on the number of entries. Registration opens tomorrow so I can't tell but I estemate it'll be somewhere between 70 and 130 players. Also unfortunately I forgot the rake in the original post so I'll add that in right away (no idea why this got posted twice btw)
Richard~ To quote the best poker player in the world who no one heard of "Bankroll management is for losers". I've pulled some money and I'm going ahead with this anyway, last event in prague for me edit: you see what I did there?
Richard~ Hobbes;289815 wrote5% sorry, it started 2 hours ago and I'm on break, it was really just a last minute thing. Up and down a lot during the first levels, now sitting at 9,4k after starting with 10k. Been between 7 and 18
Richard~ bad beat again. Flopped a flush BvB and got 50 BB's in otf vs top pair medium kicker who went runner runner full house on me. So sad...