pokerJAH;290255 wroteTrying to do quotes on an ipad sucks...
I would not call 34 bad cards 5 ways (especially suited) for a $25 raise with deep stacks. In your Edmonton post, you noted that you were winning the 'monster' pots with Q3o, j6o, etc. These are the hands I was referring to as losing hands (major gaps).
I don't think our range of hands is that much different. The good thing about being dealt 56 suited is if you miss the flop, its easy to fold to a big bet (vs not knowing where you are with an overpair, etc.). I just don't think the Q3, J6, etc. are profitable (not unless you can win a good % of hands with bluffs).
Maybe working on my value bets on the river is something I could look at as a way to improving my winrate.
One thing I have tried to reduce is building big pots when I am chasing. I see a lot of players building pots on flush draws, open ended straight draws, etc. The other problem with this is when you raise to build a pot and the other player comes over the top, then you end up getting commited to the pot with a draw and likely behind. Big bets = big pots.
Q3, J6 hands are just so I can play vs an uber fish at the table who I have reads on or for outright bluffs in position vs players I have reads on. In other words if there is a player who somehow lucksacked a 1k stack and I have him covered I want to play hands with him if I have a huge edge post flop regardless of my cards. Also, in 4+ way limped pots I am playing ATC in LP for < 1% of my stack...the odd large pot more than offsets the crappy cards.