bunsgotahand! 1/2 at my local b&m Hero stack 250$ view has a tag but gets creative sometimes. Probably youngest at The table villan as me covered. He flopped a k high flush 2 orbits ealier againist someones AA(nut flush didn't get there.) He's pretty laggy. Oldder guy. Straddled pot. I'm on the button with AQo, 4 limpers. I raised to 30. 2 callers (villan and the straddler). Flop comes QQ10 with 2 spades. Straddler donkbets 15, villan calls. I tankfor2 min and raise 60. OR folds and villan smooth calls At this point I put him on a number of straight for flush draws. Mybe even a monster combo draw with a straight flush redraw? Turn comes the 4 of clubs. Villan verbal announces all in. Hero tanks....... What would u guys do in my shoes?:-[
ILike2Play Ummmm...... call? Pretty easy in everyone's opinion I'm sure! I don't even get why your asking?
bunsgotahand! Turn was a huge brick. I did end up calling and he told me I had some catching up to do. Flipped over Q10o.
bunsgotahand! jdAA88;289146 wroteur obv never folding here thank u jdAA river bricked. then i cry "|CHIPS table 7"
bunsgotahand! yes the boulevard. u play there? and i was reallly hoping he'd have A10 here, or atleast a shitty Q
JimmyHo As noted, never folding on that turn. Just unlucky. $30 pre-flop at $1/$2? If he keeps calling $30 bets with Q10off, won't be long before he is broke.
bunsgotahand! pokerJAH;289319 wroteAs noted, never folding on that turn. Just unlucky. $30 pre-flop at $1/$2? If he keeps calling $30 bets with Q10off, won't be long before he is broke. That's my understanding :) I will get a crack at him again tonite when I go play the 100$ tourney tonite>:D
bunsgotahand! betrthanphil;289320 wroteObv fold, in live games if they verbally announce all in its always the nuts ??? U don't play much live do u?:o
betrthanphil bunsgotahand!;289337 wroteU don't play much live do u?:o lol well I figured since you made this thread you expected someone to tell you to fold, or what was the point in posting it? lol so i decided to be that person for you :D
bunsgotahand! :o:DI expected someone to. But its not what I wanted to hear. I wanted to hear that I made a good call and just was unlucky:-[
betrthanphil You get no sympathy here :P and i really hope you didnt expect someone to tell you to fold lol