windbreaker;288441 wroteI don't know if it's just me...but I have a hard time believing that Stars has 24 tables of O8 running (at stakes that will rake often enough) in a specific range of limits - for anyone to ever reach SNE from O8 alone. Also maybe cause I'm slow, but I don't see how anyone can play 24 tables of break even O8 and not lose their minds especially when it's most often played as 6 max format.
This guy was like no one Ive ever met, I would be the same way. But because of BF, he has to play lower limits as well as the bigger ones. Usually the same faces at the table. They do 9 max as well. Its a crazy game, i was watching a 3/6 and it goes limp limp to 600. Because they play no limit. Its insane. Plus this guy was the cheapest guy Ive ever met lol. He would stay up all night until 2pm just so he wouldnt have to pay as much for a hotel lol. He once went on the "tube" to sleep for a few hours haha.