darbday;289909 wrotewhy would i do that???
not claiming this helps, makes sense, or is right....
Board: 6d 5d Qs 4d
Hand 0: 44.215% { AdQh }
Hand 1: 55.785% { 66-55, KQs, KdJd, KdTd, QdJd, JdTd, Td9d, 9d8d,
8d7d, AcKd, AdKc, AdKh, AdKs, AhKd, AsKd,
KcQd, KdQc, KdQh, KdQs, KhQd, KsQd }
So we might even think we are behind vs. his range but the pot odds will surely make up for that. Plus we can give some random air to his range and feel like its a snap call.
Put 87 with 1 diamond, 7d7x and 8d8x in their range and see how it changes.
Not that I think a lot villains ranges exist solely in that range, but I think we have to include it in villains range.
With dead money, it may still be a call. But I stay with my first position of it is a very close fold.