compuease betrthanphil;288560 wrotehaha very nice, do my a favor and take out goleafsgo You got it. I'll play any hand he's in.
compuease Just doubled up to 5430, 7/46... I flopped set of Q's he had 55 with 3 flopped overs, we got it all in on flop. Villian was omonek whoever that is. now 6/44 now 8/42 betrthanphil at 26th
betrthanphil booooo out now, kjdd vs aq flopped a K, he runnered 4 flush. then j10 vs ak...flop j10 low turn q
compuease 15/19, ss ninja... goleafsgoeh out in 20th. finished 15th...... my A7 suited vs K5 off. I'm in the BB. Button with big stack pushes, I know he can have anything and I'm likely way ahead... He hits K on turn.. damn... :) Thanks Jon for the opportunity...
compuease definitely going to have a serious look at this... should really enable a player to take advantage once you are inside the new bubble... I would think this is a huge advantage for those aggressive bubble players.
jontm Short break but hoping you had fun mixing it up against some pros. Any notables left? There does have to be a profitable strategy yet to be inked for this, look at all the other things/game types that have evolved. Given not everyone will use it, must be a bit of an edge to be had. Brb
BlondeFish Did compuease & betrthanphil go through the normal process of creating a BubbleProtection account & initially funding it through Moneybookers (to be refunded in this media event)? BubbleProtection covers too few tournaments at PartyPoker & currently does not yet include satellite tournaments. I'm waiting to see a review where the player went through the entire cycle & successfully withdrew their winnings into Moneybookers within 24 hours as the company claims.