Comp, let's do that! Here is what I propose and BTP is in BTW...
Anybody from the poker media is allowed to play and BTP have been approved to help me write a better review. If you can PM me an email addy will forward info Comp.
We will register you as Media for PFC and with BTP being our expert ringer.
They would like us to try the product ourselves in a fun environment, since we already had a thread on this here:
...this is a great opportunity. I am asking Earl Burton (PokerNewsDaily & Canada Poker)
To play so I can write up an article there. Vekked can represent for those and PFC too of course.
Given that the ringers are also influential on 2+2 and P5's, this will be a great way to give it a fair shake and I'll write it up for the news sites based on feedback, so hopefully there are some positives too. Either way the test environment is an awesome idea!
I didn't want to get carried away with the ringers, but wanted a few real grinders. Vekked and BTP were first to come to mind as they aren't restricted by day jobs, as this is an afternoon event. Obviously the volume they put in and track record make them also great choices, though many here slay just as hard.