All right Guys and Gals
I left you with a teaser of what we have been planning for the first half of 2012. As you look it over just rememember a sold out tournament advances 12 players to the Main Event. If you win a seat, it is the player that registers the ticket with our Rapid Rewards Players Club that Plays.
Oh ya just so you know, I have not released this to the Gamimg floor yet. They will find out next week.
Can we win more than one seat and cash it in?
I dont think i've been drinking yet, but i couldn't find how many seats are in the main event
Prob 120
Dead Money;287070 wroteCan we win more than one seat and cash it in?
If another person uses their player card to register (even if they did not win the seat), then it is effectively transferred, no?
Thanks for offering another series of tournaments near the GTA! I expect lots of forum members will be playing in these and making the final tournament.
Hey All
Main Event will be open to 120 and yes you can win more than one seat. Thought the first post would explain that. Players club does all of our registrations but we are not issuing the seats to the winners names, we only use players card information for tracking who plays in our tournaments. Hope this information helps clear things up.
cardsrusa;287062 wroteall right guys and gals
i left you with a teaser of what we have been planning for the first half of 2012. As you look it over just rememember a sold out tournament advances 12 players to the main event. If you win a seat, it is the player that registers the ticket with our rapid rewards players club that plays.
Oh ya just so you know, i have not released this to the gamimg floor yet. They will find out next week.
Will we be able to buy in directly to the $2100 Main Event through
Yes tickets are on sale now for both the satellites and the main event.
My one question is, what are you going to do with all the Satellite events once this caps?
This is pretty big news for Ontario and I would anticipate a sell-out well before the event as players won't want to miss out, with the limited seats. It's big enough to get people traveling in too.
Will you just pay cash if it sells out?
If I am reading your question correctly, you are asking that if demand for players wanting to by straight into the main event surpasses seats allocated will we cancel a satellite seat. I would say yes. It will be the later ones first (April then March .....). Hopefully we will not need to do it, but we did mention it in the flyer.
We will probably run the tournament and pay out the prize board in cash, if it sells out early. This is our first real run at satellites for a big event. I am not expecting any hiccups but stuff happens.
Just trying to make events better in Ontario for you guys and gals.
Has anyone played events here? Can I get a report on how well they're run? I might come in for the 2K in May.
In terms of tournaments they have all been well run. There are still some inexperienced or slow dealers, but the bosses all have good poker knowledge and decision making.
actyper;287335 wroteIn terms of tournaments they have all been well run. There are still some inexperienced or slow dealers, but the bosses all have good poker knowledge and decision making.
Yup the floor is very responsive during tournaments. The dealers are mainly limit cash game dealers so some of them don't have the experience of a tournament. They are also very courteous and I had a couple of the dealers announced they may need help and that warning as they sit down is much better than having them screw something up later. I tend to pay attention when asked :)
Hello Guys
Just noticed that the April 18, 2012 Satellite Tournament is incorrect it should be April 19, 2012 as all of the tournaments are being held on Thursdays. I know it is a while away but in case you are planning to mark it onto your calender I wanted you to have the right dates.
$220 tournament for tomorrow (Jan 18th) appears to be sold out if anyone was planning to show up and buy a ticket.
Cardsrusa, how was the response for the Jan. 12 series tournament?
We were all set up to run the tournament and we had to cancel it due to a water main breaking and shutting down the casino for 17 hour. We are all fixed up now and are ready for the tournament on January 18th and the next Satellite on the 26th. We look forward to seeing some of the forum members out to win their seats for May.
It is about a 4+ hour drive for me, so I will have to get up super early, but I am thinking of making it down for the Feb 9 or Feb 23 satellite.