thanks to hobbes for supplying me with this
however, i'm a little confused about the third step. it reads as follows:
THIRD, when your hand contains cards capable of completing a straight it becomes more valuable. Therefore, If your cards contain no more than a three card gap, add the following points:
For FOUR cards, add 25 points
For THREE cards, add 18 points
For TWO cards, add 8 points
From these totals, subtract two points for each gap, up to a maximum of six points.
there's also a part about Aces but ignore it for now. here's my issue:
say we're dealt: KQ97
since we have three cards with no more than 3 gaps (i.e. KQ9) we get (18 - 4 for 2 gaps =) 14 points.
now my question is, can i also use the 9 again for the 97 for another +6 points? i'm just not sure if i can use the same 9 again.
furthermore, if i am able to use the 9 again, am i only able to use it again because it's paired with another card that hasn't been used yet? the reason i'm asking this is because wouldn't i be able to use the KQ together again, as well as the K9 and Q9? or does +18 points take into consideration all possible two card combos within the 3 cards?
thanks for the help. the link just didn't explain it too well and i couldn't get it from the examples (especially since i'm convinced one of the examples on that page is dead wrong in its points tally).