RWPKRPLR New to using PT3... PT3 requires you to have your PStars HH's saved to your computer. Pstars default setting for keeping hands is 30 days. Should I changes this to a larger time frame?
RWPKRPLR kool thanks. Do you have any tips for PT3. I'm a complete newb with this program. Recently been spending a lot of time reading and watching videos about PT3.
STR82ACE I don't have the links any more, but if you were to youtube "PokerTracker3" there are several very well done videos on using PT3 and what it can do for you.
trigs The 2+2 Forum Archives: How to use Poker Tracker. (granted this is PT2 but i'm assuming it still works here)
RWPKRPLR Yah I been on YouTube, watching videos. After I posted on here I found a great pt3 post on 2+2, which outlines the whole program. Thx for the replies.