Milo Ooooh yes, that is a very nice progress report. Well done, horsey . . . if I had not shipped them all to the Royal Winter Fair, I would give you an apple. Instead, I will provide a suitable adult beverage when next we meet. Anybody else noticing the prevalence of a certain avatar makes things a tad confusing?
compuease Milo;287194 wrote Anybody else noticing the prevalence of a certain avatar makes things a tad confusing? Just like the subject of certain avatar...
djgolfcan That reminds me, I have some shipping to do. Will get it done today. Total profit for October, according to OPR was $1905.00, 10% of that will be added to the monthly payment.
Hobbes Milo;287250 wroteMmmmm . . . It's your birthday, but we gets the presents . . . tyvm. Can't wait for Christmas. :)
Milo Hobbes;287270 wroteCan't wait for Christmas. :) It's the most wonderful time of the year . . . updates?
djgolfcan Unfortunately November was not as good a month (-43% ROI), translates into about a $150 loss, but December is starting to shape up.
Milo djgolfcan;291237 wroteUnfortunately November was not as good a month (-43% ROI), translates into about a $150 loss, but December is starting to shape up. So? Did you finish last month like you hoped?
Milo oooooohhh the suspense is building . . . like waiting for the ketchup to hit my fries. Or something.
djgolfcan compuease;297503 wrotein b4busto?;) shhhhhh Naw, I'll never go busto. I have a full time job. :)
compuease djgolfcan;297506 wroteshhhhhh Naw, I'll never go busto. I have a full time job. :) Thank god most of us do... :)