Before getting into my adventures at the Harvest Poker Classic I would again like to thank those who were behind me, both in and out of the BAP. This was the first time I have played a whole live series. The experience was fantastic and I am very grateful for all the support. Whether or not I do another BAP next time I do not know, I will however be playing the Spring series regardless.
Book your holidays now and start planning your Prairie Poker Road trips for the spring and come join the fun!!!
November 9, 2011:
$600.00 NL Event.
187 Entrants Top 19 paid.
Prize pool: $102,850
FT Payout:
1- $27,435
2- $17,454
3- $11,729
4- $8,293
5- $6,146
6- $ 4,753
7- $3,818
8- $3,173
9- $2,714
For the tournament week here in Regina, the Poker room gets moved into the Casino's Show Lounge. Tournaments and cash are held in the same room and they even set up 2 $25 min/ $500 max black jack tables this year.
Cash games were available from 12 noon until 6am for each day of the tournament, and depending on the time of day there was 20 or more different available to be used. More as the tourney dwindled down
ofcourse. The games that were offered this week in the show lounge were:
1/2 NL
1/3 NL
2/5 NL
5/10 NL
10/20 with kill
10/20 DC
15/30 with kill
15/30 Omaha high/low.
There were also single table and extreme sattelites available for each event of the tournament series. The poker room staff were well organized and kept the list moving along. If one was to miss 2 sets of
blinds during peak times chips were removed and seats made available. 1 hour dinner markers were available with a max of 2 at one time per table.
I went into the day well rested and feeling comfortable. Knowing many of the people there I was kind of surprised to be seated at a table of all out of towners. Not much to tell, just some average back and forth with the half hour blinds. Got into a few avg pots and felt good comming back from the first break. With blinds at 100/200 and still around starting stack of 6k, I come back from break having been dealt QQ. Not so long story short, standard raise reraise pot and was up vs A5o and an A spikes. Cest la vie.
I got an extra dinner voucher from the poker room manager and took my mum up for dinner. Got myself onto a 1/2 table and was able to make a cpl hundred dollars over the evening. I did spend quite a bit of
time watching the play at various tournament tables as the night went on and there was some really great poker to watch at times. Not knowing how tired I would feel after playing all day I thought an early night was in order, got some wings and coffee on the way home and chilled for the evening. Kinda sucked not having any computer access, but this was probably for the best since I know I would have stayed up way too late talking to you yahoos!!
November 10, 2011:
$800.00 NL Event.
185 Entrants Top 19 Paid
Prize Pool: $133,200
FT Payout:
1- $35,531
2- $22,605
3- $15,190
4- $10,740
5- $7,959
6- $6,155
7- $4,945
8- $4,109
9- $3,515
10- $3,083
Start the day with the customary Timmies, and take my seat. I was familiar with atleast a few of the players at the table this time. 8k starting stack and 30 min levels does not always create a slow start. Within the first 30 mins 2 players had bust at our table and we played the first 2 hours always at minimum 1 short. At one point we were 3 short after a 3 way all in pre AA vs QQ vs AKs. QQ had the other 2 outchipped and he spiked a Q on the flop for the double KO.
Atleast 7 players went bust in the first 2 hours at our table which I thought was amazing. I had a good image and was getting respect, especially after showing down the best several times. I ended at the first break with about 14k chips in front of me.
Not too much of noteworthy goings on over the next few hours, other than Buddy wearing 2 rings won at Regina Events (from S'toon) who kept raising my blinds and reraising my raises. I have no doubt he is a
good player and have played him before but I was not about to let him get too comfortable trying to push me around.
Again he raises my big blind at which point I make a comment to him. I look down to 97s and after a call behind I call as well with no action to come after me. The flop came out rainbow, all low and I had
complete air. It gets checked around. Turn comes still low no flush draw but straight draws could come with the river. I am fairly certain he has air as well and is holding over cards or a decent ace. Hoping he will bet the turn after it is checked around again which has been his MO it is checked to me, so I again look at him and check. He thinks only a second before betting out with the other villain folding which is what I wanted to see. I am really comfortable here so I reraise him to just under 3x his bet. He mutters under his breath and after thinking for a minute mucks an ace face up saying he will stop raising my big blind at which point I said, yes you will, and I tabled my 9 high. My girlfriend Kristy who was playing at the same table just smiled at me as Buddy got up and went for a smoke :)
After 6 hours with just a 20kish stack I became card dead. I was able to get a few sets of blinds here and there but there was really nothing happening as far as cards go. There was much banter back and forth as a gentleman from Ontario who I nicknamed Rico Suave' took it upon himself to begin lecturing the ladies on the table about our play. I think it bothered him that we both started ganging up on him after he started wagging his tongue, especially considering he had to re-enter the event because he was one of the first out at our table earlier in the day!! Before you knew it he had lost 2/3 of his stack to Kristy when he had turned a low 2 pair while she had already flopped top two and he thought he was trapping her. Way to go super pro!! Where do I sign up for your elite lessons??
After just over 8 hours I was sitting at about 13k when I look down to AA in the big blind. Utg raises, with one caller behind so I reraise all in. Utg snap calls and V2 folds. We both table our AA (ffs) and the
board runs out for a chop.
Unfortunately my run was comming to an end as the blinds grew and my stack was not. Knowing I needed chips to even try to make a run for the money, with just about 10 bb I got it in with 77 trying to make something happen, even a blind steal, and ran into 1010 to finish 40th. GG me.
I was quite pleased with my showing on the day and this was my deepest run in a live tournament of this size. I spent the remainder of the evening watching the tournament go on in between playing some cash and mingling. I was so proud to see Kristy make the FT. Our other girl friend Pam also made the money being felted shortly after the bubble burst. Way to go ladies!
That's it for Part 1 of The Adventures with Shar trip Report. Part 2 will be posted as soon as I have it finished up, hopefully tomorrow before I go back to work for the first day of atleast a week straight....ugh.
PS: Yes Comp, I will supply any coffee and baked goods in return for the Occupation of Regina by my favourite Poker players evah ;)
Hey Shar,
Welcome back!
BTW, in my limited experience, there's always at least one Rico Suave type ready to "school" us little women on how to play poker. Nothing more satisfying than felting those guys.
So far, it sounds like you got a good amount of event experience...can't wait for Part 2.
Yeah, I noticed a curious lack of accounting . . . there was a teasingly anonymous FT winner from Regina, but I know it was not our gal. Sometimes, the anticipation can be more fun than the reality . . . on to part deux.