Little King;281488 wrote[ ] Ponzi Scheme
Did you read the DoJ summations? Or maybe listen to the Fan590 today? They had Chris Tessaro (sp?), a pretty decent poker writer, especially at explaining things to the layman, on to discuss the FTP developments. I'll paraphrase a few of the more notable tidbits.
FTP was a profitable business until the owners started looting the till
Lederer, despite Bitar having the title, was running the day to day operations
FTP owes US players approx. $130M, globally $400M, but only had approx. $60M available on Black Friday
Ivey is most likely assisting the DoJ, based on the data in the summations (they mention help from a player/owner who borrowed $$$ in amounts eerily close to those mentioned when Ivey was threatening and withdrawing his lawsuit).
Very interesting and depressing interview. Will probably be a podcast soon for those that missed it.
Oh, and the actions of those named in the indictment are definitely those of people running a ponzi scheme.