SteveKerr I will be playing September 21 and October 12 Selling 40% at 1:1.2 September - $750+$75+$14.45(PTickets Service Charge)=$839.45 October - $1000+$100+$16.52=$1116.52 Total = $1956.97 1% = $23.47 5% = $117.35 10% = $234.70 I am Accepting EMT or Cash Only for payment. Pudge - 10% = $234.70 PAID CASH Hobbes - 2% = $46.94 PAID EMT JohnnieH - 3% = $70.41 PAID EMT Betrthanphil - 5% = $117.35 PAID EMT Crazykoby -10% = $234.70-$80=154.70 SWAP 10% for 18.5% of GBH DeepStack ottawaplayer - 5% = $117.35 PAID EMT Moose - 2% = $46.94 PAID EMT westside8 - 3% = $70.42 PAID EMT
SteveKerr betrthanphil;280389 wrote5% book it. and think your math is off for the first one.....$864.45 not $839.45 Don't know what I am missing. Math looks right to me
betrthanphil SteveKerr;280392 wroteDon't know what I am missing. Math looks right to me O too early for me lol thought it was $775 +75...not $750 +$75....ill stay out of it from now on haha:-X
SteveKerr 1st tournament is next Wednesday. Still waiting for a few more payments. Please make you security question answer PFC