The Highflyer;279710 wroteThere is no way EP2 folds to your $15 all-in bet on the river and the BB would likely call
thanks. now i feel better. exactly the reason why i didnt push the $15.
im thinkin even if i did a lil bit of acting or insta-pushed as soon as i see the K, they woulda still called... lol...
part 2 of my FML story @ AC came about 3 hands right after that...
some supervisor came and switched the two deck of cards at the table... dealer laid out the new cards... did the count.. shuffle, etc...
2 hands later, i got AK utg... i pushed my remaining $15.... everybody folds to this lady on the sb or bb? called...
i flopped a K... she showed J6 hearts and hit her runner runner flush (one heart came on the flop)
FML. haha.