betrthanphil;279011 wroteyodas way off!!! lol jk.
Id go between 300-400. That bet represents a big portion of 2 peoples stacks in the hand. The other has a monster stack that we really dont want to just get it in with him on this flop. If the 2 shorts fold and big stack calls I check most turns for pot control and value river.
coo coo i used to bomb this.....but ya here you can induce alot of shoves from weaker aces and flush draws....and air by betting small ;p
ive been blancing it with air on certain boards mutilway but more just 3 way betting out like 1/3 pot too and getting many fold....maybe i do it with over cards or something....but ya...don't know if thats actually real poker...
someone is shoving this flop on you tho if you bet small....and generally its a fistpump i think ....
edit: and i didn't account for stack sizes so good call ...