Dexx;278685 wroteand keep it in the areas where you don't read about this shit. Riveria Maya, or the other coastal resorts.
Milo touched on it already and I won't do the work for you by getting you the links but this statement is so incredibly short sighted it's laughable. No where in mexico is safe from the violence. And corruption is rampant everywhere.
which section of the mexico tourism board do you work for? or do you just have on tequila rose coloured glasses and miss the forest of dead for the boxes in the morgue?
and to compare that shit hole to Toronto is pathetically asinine and displays incredible ignorance. The murder rate here is NOTHING compared to the safest place mexico.
as others have said, if you go there, don't complain when something awful happens as you should have known better. No disrespect to the dead is intended but no other way to phrase it.