Hellmuth's Mole;277794 wrote18k at first break.
Of course on the way this morning I'm thinking of only two guys I didn't want to see at the tables. One is djgolfcan and the other is the Brantford reg who ran over the last couple tourny's I've played here. Both are side by side across the table as I'm seated. Ugh.
Flopping flush against rivered straight.
Table change. :)
Rivering nut straight against two callers.
Table change back to original table. :(
HM was cruising through the first four levels of the tourney. He'd raise, get a caller, make a C bet on the flop, villain folds, easy game. We never had one hand against one another, not by design, it just worked out that way, thought we were gonna divide up the table between us.
No real big hands for me. Everyone seemed to believe my raises and bets. It didn't hurt that the few times I went to showdown, I showed the winning hand. :)