Hobbes;282484 wrote<-- Is hoping that you were too tired after shipping the Venetian noon on Saturday to post results.
Sorry Hobbes.
I have failed. The V tournament was another very frustrating day of poker. I started beside a Asian-gambling-calling-station (sorry for the mildly racist term. I need to put his play into context) to my left. He called almost every raise from any postition, with anything that looked playable. Also, once a the player to my right busted (who looked exactly like AJ if he wasn't going grey) we got a very aggressive local at the table. So any time I had a mildly decent hand, he had already raised. I would call (I know I'm getting odds from my buddy on my left) and miss the flop. This might be a hole in my game.
I did start out OK, getting my stack up early, but after the 1st break once again I went huge card dead*. I hung on for a few more hours, but finally jammed with QJs, called by you know who with K8h. Obviviously I can't win against the MAKE MONEY hand :)
The tournament itself was fucking awesome. Aria and V are the nicest tournament venues on the Strip, and I will be returning.
*This has happened at every tournament I've played. Up early, card dead, dwindle stack, bust. Not sure how to compensate for it.
Anyway, thanks again to my BAPers. It means a lot to me that you put your hard earned dollars in my roll. I'm truly truly sorry that I didn't come through for you all.