darbday;277090 wrotei have never done this...
To elaborate a bit I don't like folding to this bet. If we're gonna do that we might as well not bother opening the button.
I don't really like calling this since I'm going to have trouble putting him on a hand and he might be sitting there going "mwehehe, my 68s is very well disguised here"
Raise folding might be ok against some straight forward opponents but I don't like that either without a read. Button vs BB battles can become pretty volatile and he might level himself into shoving a bad hand cause he thinks that we think we're just getting picked on so I can't comfortably raise-fold most of the time
I don't like shoving for pretty obvious reasons, it's just not gonna encourage weaker aces to get it in vs us
Therefore the only option I have left is to make a small 4 bet and hope he spazzes out. Regardless of the result I'm gonna ask myself "Am I gonna feel like a donkey for stacking off 45 BB's Button vs BB with AJs" and since the answer is "not really" for me this is the line I'm gonna go ahead and take. I'm not loving it though