Made an impromptu trip across the border today as wife wanted to get some stuff she couldn't get here...Left home about 11:30 arrived at Lewiston about 12:30. Border wait was supposed to be about 30 min but it took us 65 min to cross... :( The 405 between the QEW and the border was virtually empty, we saw maybe 4-5 cars the whole way until we hit the bridge so it looked like it was going to be a quick crossing. Boo, hit the bridge and stopped... No idea where all the cars came from but there was a double line the whole way across.. maybe they were waiting all night??
Anyways 1 hour or so later were across, the wifey gets what she wants and I convince her to try out the Seneca Casino since she does occasionally like to play the slots....:) Of course you know what I'm thinking...
Arrive there at maybe 4pm find a parking spot and head in. Her first comment.. This looks kind of dumpy... As soon as we walk through the doors she says, "They allow smoking in here?" I say well maybe in some areas... Well turns out they allow smoking everywhere but in the poker room now. I don't remember it smelling so bad before. We go register for players cards and get $10. free slot play each and $2. off the buffet... Big deal..
So we sit to play our free $10.. Wifey busts in like 10 min, I cash out $23... Hehe, I'm a pro... She quickly confiscates it and we head for the buffet. Only a short lineup and we are asked smoking or non? I say non and we are directed to a lineup. Apparently lots of seats for smoking but no smoking is at a premium... Looks like most of the seating area is smoking... wtf??
After about 10 min we're seated and she waits at the table while I go grab a plateful... Nothing special, I'm probably spoiled after all the nice buffets in Vegas. Wife then heads to get hers, comes back the table all pissed off. Apparently the carved beef was really rare, certainly not her favorite and the guy carving it said she could take it over to the grill station and they would throw it on the grill for a couple of minutes. Well she did but the grill guy was really rude and quite nasty. He was using the same tongs to cook, fish, chicken and beef... Not cool, what if someone had a fish allergy. Anyways when she gets back to the table she's really steaming. Our table server was really nice however. She picked up on my wife’s unhappiness and asked how she could help. We told her about this extremely rude grill guy and she was very apologetic. She asked my wife to point him out and said she would get a manager involved. After about 10 min the manager came over and asked, "Did you want to see me?" We told him what happened but he virtually shrugged it off, the attitude seemed to be, hey what do you expect for a $22. buffet?
We just left, won't be back... So sorry but you lost us..
I thought the wife would want to head straight back across the border but no, she said "you go play poker and I'll use your "free" $23. and see what I can run it up to. Bonus!!!
I'm seated at a 1/2 table right away, plunk down my $200. wait 1 hand for the button to pass and see my first hand 9,2.. weeee, this is fun.. a few hands later I'm in UTG+1 look down at QQ and raise to $15., one caller OTB who has about $350. in front. Flop comes down 9 high... I continue with $20. button calls.. Turn is an A, gulp...... I already have my $30. bet in hand and it goes in instantly... Button folds just as instantly.. Saying "AK, huh?" I flip the QQ's and he says nh, I had 10's... Damn, that A cost me money.. :)
So now I'm up to $235. good start.
We play another couple of hands, nothing for me, when the guy to my right says, wait a minute did you only buy in with $100.? This is a $100. max table... wtf 1/2 with only 50bb's, what is this a friendly home game..?
So now what am I supposed to do, a couple of guys at the other end, including the one with like $350. on the table says, since it's already been in play you can't take it off now.. I agree, but dealer says put $100. in your pocket... Still not sure that's right but I complied...
So I now have only $135. on the table, two hands later, I’m in the sb and look down at QQ again, lady in mid position makes it $12. with only $50. behind…folded to me and I make it $25. figuring to call her push. She calls leaving $35 back. Flop comes 9 high. I bet the $35. she calls and flips AK. I hold and weee I’m up $90… Just then they announce last call for their Sunday night $80. turbo, 6K chips, 15 min blinds… I’m in!!! Freerolling…
49 runners, built my stack to about 8.5K then lost half of it calling a short stacks push during level 4, his AJ vs my AK, of course as usual J on the flop…2 levels later, 400/800 I have QQ in BB, 3200 chips, raise in front to 2200, 2 callers, I push, just knowing this won’t be pretty. All three call.. Quad up and I’m back in this thing… Flop is 5,5,8.. Looks good. Checked to late position caller who pushes. I’m liking this, thinking, this is a mid pair.
EP original raiser folds and mid position caller calls, flips over A,5 off… wtf, you called an ep raiser with A,5? Of course she wins and takes 2 of us out. Well this is bingo… By this time wife is sitting at the table next to me and says she can’t stand the smoke anymore, let’s get out of here… We head home, actually about even, so that’s good but don’t think we’ll be hitting Seneca again anytime soon…
The rainbow bridge is actually pretty quickly....and yes the 1-2 at seneca sucks, the play is bad max 100 at a few or 200 max...but then thats still not that much for 1-2.....I call leaving the house for 2-5 and its give or take an hour 30 for me, the rainbow bridge is a bit further drive in canada and all but if you get to it and no cars, seneca is like almost on top of it when you get over.....I just park in the lower level outside in front of it, just re-paved I think in July walk in, up the escalator leave it make the left around corner down hall give or take 200 meters past the WORST TIMHORTONS ON EARTH!!! and the room is right there