betrthanphil;276658 wroteIm a super nit in the beginning levels so much so that Im starting to not even begin until levels at 25/50. Players ranges are so wide in the early levels im not even going to begin to try to put a player on a hand, and if i cant put a player on a hand, it cant be profitable.
its funny i wave back and forth and lol maybe shouldn't as my stats prob show that but i always read to play crazy tight but i watch vids of pros playing loose and building giant stacks vs fish..
i do notice that once a peg a guy for say open limping hes usually gone within 10 hands leavin me thinkin a limp here and a complete there (or call from bb) would likely be +ev.
but of course we can always count on making alot of money from in position in heads up pots....but by the time the field settles down their more regs left
also you reminded me ive been watched some 180 man rebuy vids and i forgot to take that into account that i was learnin rebuy play....