Yep congrats Steve. Hobbes, Steve and I all made final, Hobbes busted out 10th when he pushed KQ into KK.. :) Not a good idea buddy, but after your Friday night run, not to be unexpected.
After Hobbes busted out Steve and I both had chip leads at one point or another. We also made a deal with each other for 10% swap as we had even chips stacks at that point. Steve then built a monster stack when he doubled through the chip leader on his right. I think I took two players out within about 3 hands with AK's that hit. Also got little action with KK and AA. :(
We're 4 handed and short stack very short, Steve and I (chip leader at this point) get into big hand in the blinds. Folded to us, Steve is in the small with KJ, I'm in the BB with K,5. He completes, I check, flop is K,10,5. I see that I have a K but miss the 5. Steve bets, I call. Turn is a blank, Steve checks, I bet twice what was bet on flop (I had seen the 5 by now.) Steve calls. River is the disaster J (at least for me.)
We get it in and Steve doubles up through me. I'm left very short, however I eventually take out the short stack and we're in the money. I'm in third but get push botty every time Steve folds and build back up to be pretty close to the other player. Steve has probably half the chips in play at this point. I try and eventually get it in vs the other guy but loose a race and settle for 3rd. Steve and the other guy go at least half an hour before Steve prevails.
This was a good tourney, well run, only 1 bad dealer, nice structure, lots of play. Approx 6 1/2 hours with 20 players...
Thanks guys for the congrats. I echo Jeff's feedback on overall the Windsor tourneys are a decent structure and the poker room is well run including lots of cash game opportunities.
As for the $205 frenzy tourney there were a couple more key hands in addition to the one Jeff mentioned for you folks.
Hand 1 with 7 players remaining blinds $600-$1200 and I have approx $25k of the total $200k chips in play. Chip leader to me immediate right raises to $3k and I 3 bet to $10k with AA. Folds back to the chip leader and he moves in with 33. Board blanks out for him and I double to $54k and he busts shortly after. Nice to get the chip lead gifted to you.
Hand 2 with 6 players remaining and blinds $800-$1600 and I raise a very tight player in the BB with 9Q and he pauses before calling. I am positive he has right around 10s or JJs but wants to see a flop first and try and trap to double up. Flop is 4JK rainbow and he checks. I take the free card and I luckbox a 10 which promptly binks off on the turn. He announces strongly "I am all-in" and sees he is drawing as he shows the set of 10s. No pair on the river and we are down to 5.
I had to grind it out heads up against a young guy named Dan but never had less than $140k vs $60k. Final hand after about 45 minutes of heads up Dan moves all in from the small blind and I look down at 88 vs 44. An 8 on the flop and that was the end.
Congrats to Hobbes too who chopped the Friday night tourney and Moose who got the bubble save on Friday and a gift from an old woman in the PLO high only game and Jeff for the 3rd place finish in this one.
We shall do it again sometime soon I bet.
Cheers, Steve