well I guess you're valuebetting the river here, I just don't see him calling with many worse hands than what you're holding and I don't see him folding anything better. It's a pretty easy check let him bluff for me. overbetting this river doesn't scream strength to me either so I probably don't bluff big with any part of my range
Hahaha. After reading the hand, I was thinking actually exactly 77+ as my calling range. Oops.
Me personally, I'd usually just be check/calling a bet on the river. I don't like the idea of turning eights into a bluff when I think they're doing pretty well against his range. If I was going to value-bet them, I'd be betting smaller (like 1/4-1/2 pot) because I don't think he's going to call off with very many weaker hands to a bigger bet.
In regards to exploiting a tight image, I think a better way to go about it would be to just c/r flop and fire turn. Even nits/tight players can throw out a random bluff but I'll give a ton more credit when they're firing multiple streets. With your line and bet sizing, it's hard for me to really think you have a super strong hand.
Fwiw, assuming effective stacks of 11k preflop, my bet sizing if I were to go the c/r, bet turn route would be to 2300 and then something between 2600-3200 on the turn into a pot of 6800. Leaves you in kind of an uncomfortable spot on the river but you can evaluate at that point whether you feel like there's any value in triple barrelling (which would be a river ship for ~40% psb) or to just give up the pot and still have 25bb to work with.
His range for calling can be pretty wide here, without reading what you actually had, to me your bet looks pretty polarizing. Calling with 66 is no different then calling with a 9 here. Personally I think betting here with 88 as a bluff is not a great play as your not gonna fold out better hands that often. 88 has great showdown value once you get to the river here just check it. Maybe throw out an 1500 blocker bet or something. But i agree with vekked here folding flop is prob best play as its a pretty bad board for 88 against his range here. Not shocked by the call with 77 at all. The real question is did you act like you bet it for value so people at the table thought you were super sick or did you act shocked that you won with 88 haha
on a board like this, I like the overbet as a nutted and bluff, the way the hand plays out. Watched some videos where hitthepanda excuted the overbet to perfection in a few spots, and I think this is a perfect one.