trigs;278098 wrotethere should be an option to manually input previous hand histories. if you go to the poker tracker website, they have pdf help files that outline everything.
also, you can change those stats on the hud to anything you want. so if those numbers were significant for you, you can choose others. personally, i like to have vpip/pfr/3-bet%/af and with a right click on there stats bringing up all the rest of them i tend to use it a lot.
I will continue to read the tracker site to see if this info is available, thanks.
I saw the right click info but I am not sure how you are able to make any sense of it especially when the time buzzer is screaming at me to make a decision. It is a lot of information, so much math :D .
Is there a way to move the stats that pop up on the other players? One of them was blocking a players chips.
Also do you find this useful for mtt or are you a cash game player?