I'd raise him. if he reraised me back chances are he has a decent hand. I would call his reraise and if I missed the turn I would fold. From his bankroll size hes either a poor player of he's suffered a few bad beats. A raise would give you a good idea where you stand. 15:1 pot odds dont warrant a fold here with a nut str8 draw and a back door flush draw.
my 2 cents
Excellent answer. And the answer I was hoping to hear. That my friends is Tight-Agressive Poker: Tight preflop, Tight in small pots and Agressive in large pots.
Here is my reasoning for a raise after the BB bets: I've got the nut inside straight draw, backdoor nut flush draw and two overcards and the pot is a monster. My hand is too good to fold in a large pot, so lets take a page out of SSH and make a 'loose' raise. I may be able to buy one or two outs to the A/K's by facing my passive opponents with 2 bets cold. If they fold, I get to see the river for cheap with proper odds (maybe even free card). If they call, I've still got amazing pot odds to draw. If a raise comes after me (note the passive players postflop , so I highly doubt it) then I'm going to probably have odds to see the river anyway.
A gut shot straigt is a fold.
NOTHING is a fold when you have pot odds to chase the nuts in a large pot.
With a tight table image, he should have respect and others should check as well.
It's party 1/2. These guys even dont notice when a 1% VPIP / 0% PFR /over 200 hands raises..
I think this hand is a pretty good example of Miller's SSH advice.
Anyway, here is the hand as I played it..
** Dealing Flop ** [ 2s, Ts, Qh ]
StockDork8 bets [$1].
BBC_Z calls [$1].
jodi_lynn3 folds.
jackieLeeR raises [$2].
twosnakestwo folds.
StockDork8 calls [$1].
BBC_Z calls [$1].
** Dealing Turn ** [ Jc ]
StockDork8 bets [$2].
BBC_Z raises [$4].
jackieLeeR calls [$4].
StockDork8 calls [$2].
** Dealing River ** [ 8s ]
StockDork8 bets [$2].
BBC_Z calls [$2].
jackieLeeR folds.
StockDork8 shows [ Jh, Js ] three of a kind, jacks.
BBC_Z shows [ As, Kc ] a straight, ten to ace.
BBC_Z wins $36.5 from the main pot with a straight, ten to ace.
Yes, I hit my 2 outer on the turn. But thats results oriented so it doesnt matter.
BB had JJ. Of the two folders, I wouldnt be shocked if one had AT- and a low pocket pair.
Of course, the reason I posted the hand was that I should have raised the flop while I only called it.