moose;272982 wroteworst twitter updates ever.
Sorry Moose but it takes an old guy like me forever to type in a text on my old phone, don't have one of those fancy qwerty keyboard.
OK so trip report of sorts...
Meet Wetts at Hyw 401/25 commuter lot at 8:20. Wetts hops in and off we go. I immediately rub his arm and he looks at me strangely... Oops, what did he think I meant... Immediately I explain it was to rub off some run good for my own personal (as well as my bap'ers) use. He's ok with that... I think.
First stop the local Timmies for the obligatory bagel and tea/coffee and away we go. Much discussion on poker strategy and forum characters occupies our time during the trip.. I do not drive the wrong way down any one way streets.
We arrive relatively safely at the Brantford casino at 9:30, well ahead of tournament start. Check in and get our seat cards, luckily (for me at least) different tables and I get table 8 seat 8, Wetts I believe was at table 6 seat 4 or 5. For the 1st hour and 3/4 my table is pretty loose passive pre and tight post. We bust no one until the last 15 min before break, then bust 3 in quick succession, two in one hand. The AA hand I tweeted about came only 5 hands into the tournament. I'm in the BB with AA 6 limpers to me at the 25/50 level. I have no idea how much to bet to narrow the field so stupidly I think that 300 should be about right. Nope, I get 5 callers, only the SB folds.
Wow this is fun, I get to play AA, 6 handed way out of position. Why don't i just fold now... :-\
Flop K,J,5 two diamonds. I bet 700, why I don't know. :), 3 callers... Turn another off suit 5. I bet 1200, 2 callers. River brings the 3rd diamond, ok I'm done with this one. Check, bet 1500 from guy in mid position, button pushes. I fold, mid position folds, showing small flush... Button says he flopped a set J's and boated turn.. Not sure I believe him but I was behing the flush anyways. Great start, I lose 1/3 my stack first orbit.
Have 3 or 4 more small mid pairs miss the flop over next hour or so, twice call with suited broadway, once raise in late over 2 limpers with one of my favorites 8,10 suited. Miss each and every flop to fall to about 4K. Level 3 100/200 I get AA again, this time UTG. I limp since almost every hand had been raised except this time we go to the flop 5 or 6 handed unraised.. Oh joy, great playing comp... ??? We get a K high rainbow flop and I check.. Gotta play pot control now. It's checked around. Turn brings another little card, I check again and after eeryone else checks button bets like 375. I gotta call.. Everyone else folds, feel better now. River brings another blank, check he makes same bet and I call, he turns over just top pair 7 kicker. I apologize profusely saying I'm likely good and turn over the AA. He looks at me like I'm crazy and says I sure didn't put you on that. No sh**, didn't I play that well.. :bs: This at least gives me a little more breathing room with almost 6K.
Next orbit I'm on the button with AK off, raise to 600 and 1 caller. Now about 1700 in the pot and I push. Blinds fold, first raiser folds and caller thinks for what seemed like forever, then folds AJ suited. Damn, wanted that call. Now I'm finally a little over starting stack. Wetts is cruising with like 30K as his table has knocked out 5 people already.
Bleed off some chips and with blinds at 3/600 50ante, I have maybe 6500, folded to me in the SB, I push with q,7 suited. BB folds K,9 faceup. I tell him I had a weak A.. Next hand it's folded to me on the button and I shove AQ off. SB (same guy) calls almost immediately leaving himself like 1200 behind and BB folds. He turns over A,5 spades and I think great, this will get me back to 80% avg stack. So what happens? of course he f***ing flops the flush and I'm done... Can't believe how you can call off 80-90% of your stack with A,5.. :mad:. Guess he though I couldn't have a hand twice in a row. He was right, cept this was the hand that I did. Stupid game. :) And I'm out in 31st.
Leave to cool off while waiting for wetts to take this down. He has a lot, not sure exactly but lots.
I come back 45 min later and Wetts is short stacked with like 8-9 bb. Apparently he got shoved into with 30BB when he had AQ and op had KQ. Flop is KKK and he's almost crippled. I didn't know that happened to a player of Wetts's calibre. 5 min later, just before 2nd break, Wetts is out when he shoves 7-8bb with 4,5 suited? Gets called by 2 players and loses to a set of 9's. Back to Milton we head...
Summary, decent structure, some very bad players, dealers were decent from my perspective, tables and chips are ok.