Even though PartyPoker's promotions page states that the 100% rakeback promotion is until August 7 (see below), it seems that the party is over early and as of midnight, the rake is back as high as 17%-20%! :rage:
Welcome to our Rake-free tournaments, $100,000 Freeroll plus much more promotion.
You’ve never had more reasons to play at PartyPoker.com
Promo starts: Monday, 4 July 2011 12:00 ET
Promo ends: Sunday, 7 August 2011 23:59 ET
For the few that took advantage of the rake-free promotion, how did you do for the month? The only friend that I personally know played more because of the promotion had his highest monthly profit and was starting to make projections of being able to quit his job, but I warned him how quickly things can change in online poker and only hours later, the party's over.
I was planning to grind at PartyPoker this week and use up my $540 and $215 multiple tickets, but I feel like trying out the CNE Casino's 5% rake and/or Brantford tournament instead. :p