crazykoby;311718 wroteDeadbeat story to add to the list... I don't know if this guy actually has an account here but I know that he does occasionally lurk.
His name is Mike Moreland, he lives in Orangeville
I will start this story by saying I know I’m an idiot!
Here is the story... Mike has played a couple of OPT events and I have met him several times, he is friends with half dozen or so people who play OPT regularly. Back in Feb. when I went to play in the Deepstack tourney at Seneca he was there with a couple of players that I know from OPT.
When I arrived at Seneca Mike had been playing all day and had gone broke. He asked me if he could borrow $300, said that his girlfriend was coming the next day and that she was bringing him some money from his bankroll and would pay me back then. Like I said I had met him a couple of times, he seemed like an OK guy, plus he was with guys that I knew, so I loaned him the money. The next morning as I was getting ready to play in the tourney he tracks me down and asked if he could borrow another $500, told me that his girlfriend was on her way down and she had the money to pay me back. Again, he was with guys I knew and trusted, his story sounded plausible so I loaned him the money. A couple of hours pass and I get a text from him asking if he can borrow another $500. Said that his girlfriend was only an hour or so away and that he would pay all back when she showed up. I know call me an idiot but I loaned it to him. He has now borrowed at total of $1300.00 off me.
During the first tournament break he tracks me down and gives me back $500, says that his girlfriend has not shown up yet, but that he took the last $500 I loaned him and ran it up to $3K. Asks me if I mind if he pays me the rest back when his GF shows up because he wants to take the money and late reg into the $1500 deepstack tourney. He just paid me back $500 so he seems like he is on the up and up so I say sure.
That is the last I have seen of him. I have sent him several texts asking about paying back. He has responded with a bunch of lies. For the first month or so that he owed the money his text would tell me that he will be at the next OPT game to pay the remaining $800 back, that went on for about 3 games where he never showed up. Then he told me that was going to come to my house one Saturday to pay back, and never showed up. Then he texted me saying that he would just EMT me the money, that was 3 weeks ago, still no EMT, then he said he was broke and asked if he could pay in payments. (Two payments of $400) one payment was supposed to be two weeks ago, and the next payment last Friday. To date neither of the payments has been sent. As of 6 days ago he has stopped responding to my text altogether.
If anyone knows Mike Moreland he is a deadbeat tool!
I don't think your an idiot, you took a fellow gambler on his word, 99% of the time thats enough. As card players I personally think that the word of another player is/should be gold. I rank deadbeats in the same class as child molesters and woman beaters!! Mike Moreland pay your fucking debts you no class piece of shit!!!