Vekked;272303 wrote
When you play any hand, ever, your thought process should be logical and consistent from start to finish. Let's start at his 3-bet and work back since I think this is the easiest part of the hand to illustrate this point. When he 3-bets you say "I know Im miles ahead of his range", in other words you were able to predict him 3-betting a ton based on how he's been playing, yet you're still opening a very loose range in early position? Your thought process isn't really consistent here, since either people are tight enough that opening here is profitable, or loose enough that opening here is not profitable. If you predict that someone is 3-betting you extremely wide, then your first adjustment should be to tighten up your opening range so his 3-bets aren't profitable. You need to plan out your strategy before you play a hand, not click buttons and then react once you're in a situation that you shouldn't be in.
Ya I was doing it backwards I guess... Not that that surprises me at all.... My first instinct was "if he is widening way up then I can open up a bit wider than I am normally, and it would still be profitable." At the same time I knew that the rest of the table was playing tight, so if it by chance got past the idiot then I would probably be picking up the blinds uncontested.
But I can see how wrong that looks now. Thanks.
Vekked;272303 wroteSo yea, the leak here is that your line is inconsistent; this can't be both a profitable open and profitable to continue vs. a 3-bet.
You also go on to say "When he 3 bets me, I know Im miles ahead of his range, so I 4 bet for value". This is another leak, since being miles ahead of someone's 3-betting range actually has no direct bearing on whether you should 4-bet. Someone could be 3-betting 95% of hands, but if they only continue with AA when you 4-bet, then 4-betting anything but AA for value makes no sense. Likewise, when you're miles ahead of his 3-betting range with A8o, this tells me nothing about whether 4-betting is good or bad, it tells me that calling is good. The information I need to know in order to 4-bet for value is not whether or not he 3-bets me with worse hands, it's whether or not he continues vs. a 4-bet with worse hands.
So, the leak here is assuming that your value 4-betting range is based on their 3-betting range; it doesn't matter what they 3-bet, it matters what they continue with when you 4-bet.
Okay, this turned on a lightbulb... I know I was subconciously sorta doing this in my head, but didn't think about it completely like this.
Vekked;272303 wrote so I would seriously question whetheryour read was actually good enough to know that if it was the case.
With all due respect good sir, even if my line of thought was off, my read was bang on - and I knew it... If you looked back through some of my db, you would realize that this play is just sooooooo outside my norm, that it had to have come from a strong read. I just have an issue with trusting my reads when they are for deep stacks.... And no I will not be trying this at home (again).