Lol, problem solved, just got this in my inbox..........
Do you have funds frozen in Full Tilt...?
Then your urgent attention is appreciated. Please sign our petition which we will present to the Alderney Gambling Control Commission at the hearing on Tuesday 26th July in Victoria, London, which calls for the AGCC to enforce it's
own licensing Regulation 231(3) whereby it's licensees:
'...must remit funds standing to the credit of that customer as directed by the customer...'
Before any restructure or refinance of the company can be considered, the AGCC must ensure that players' funds are immediately available for withdrawal and that full and proper protection is in place to securely ring fence customer funds on deposit in the future.
Alone we are one, yet together we are strong.
Please encourage everybody you know that may also be affected to add their name to the petition by sharing
www.FullTiltScrewed.Me on Facebook and in forums. While the site broaches the subject in a light-hearted manner, the serious message we convey needs to be addressed to protect those currently affected and for the industry to take notice of consumer confidence to prevent anything similar happening in the future.
We will be handing over the petition to the Alderney Gambling Control Commission and posting live updates on the forum from the hearing on Tuesday 26th July.
All the best