Hobbes;271858 wroteThere goes my $6.71
JohnnieH;271865 wroteSucker! I only had $3.00
betrthanphil;271871 wroteboooo lost like 600ish. good news considering i did have like 6k on there a week ago
T8urmoney;271875 wrote
Have about 3 bucks on there, but one $900 withdrawel pending from a week ago. Guess I can kiss that goodbye.
Newff;271879 wroteGG to the 1k I had left on there.
DennisG;271887 wroteCan I bitch about my $1.88??
Only time I'll ever be able to say I beat anyone let alone everyone quoted:
$0.40 FTW!!!!!
i pissed away all my FTP money in a tin-foil hat fueled tilt fest and said I wasn't putting in any more cash.
so I bought 1 $10 ring game ticket, I played that at 2/5 (cent :) and made about 12 bucks off of it in fully released cash. (the ring ticket money is (would have been) released after 300 points worth of play which is a long time in the micro world. got into a couple of $2 sng's and had worked my way up to $55 so just pissed that I'm now missing out on the the small change I had built up and must now try again on another site.......learning experience right?
think it will extend to WSOP packages offered by Full Tilt? hopefully all the reservations, flights have been paid for in advance already. Not sure about the spending money?
Watching a small small video of news crew what looks to be AMBUSHING lederer outside some restaurant, he was all "no comment right now, soon"
Looking at it deeper there is some MASSIVE scam in full tilt I think and there will be more turning upon them.
My guess (just a guess) everyone in positions of power BUT ivey is trying to just grab any funds they lay claim to being percentages of the company FTP are just grabbing what they can and letting everything go all to hell which can easily be looked at, at whats happening its easy to just point and say but, someone would be talking by now if there wasnt some massive screw up in the mix!
But hey I could be way off with this too!! ha
Well, I expected to lose my piddly ~$50.00 at some point . . . just not today.
Sure glad I got every last cent off there as per the Online Poker thread. I had started that withdrawal the day after the Phil Ivey proclamation and it took a full 2 weeks to get to Moneybookers. I do remember more than one person on here saying that the sky wasn't falling and not to worry... Hmm, that sky fell with a thud. As the online world slowly collapses what about payment processors like MoneyBookers, could they be next? I'm thinking I may withdraw my online roll from there as well. I still have smaller amounts on Party, Stars and a couple of EU sites but probably less than $500. total.
I'm probably lucky to just have like 100 dollars on tilt. I don't really get it though, if they're being shut down wouldn't the appropriate judgement be for them to make sure to pay out all accounts in play? I feel a lot more like I'm being robbed by the US goverment than full tilt poker
Richard~;271912 wroteI'm probably lucky to just have like 100 dollars on tilt. I don't really get it though, if they're being shut down wouldn't the appropriate judgement be for them to make sure to pay out all accounts in play? I feel a lot more like I'm being robbed by the US goverment than full tilt poker
Paying out all accounts can only happen if they have the funds to do so, all at once. From what little I have read, FTP does not have that kind of money available. Second, this time it was the Alderney eGaming Commission that revoked their license. Tenuous though that licensing may be in a physical court, not having it is the kiss of death in terms of FTP's credibility in the on-line gaming world. Thus, it is not the US government that is robbing you.
So some gaming comission takes away their licence to operate. They obviously knew the implications of doing so which just makes it an irresponsible call. Are these the people I trust to regulate online poker?
Man, this story goes deep.
Ivey made an offer to buy controlling interest in FT; was denied, and subsequently sued FT. Apparently he had someone who was more than willing to support and buy the organization and pay back the US player base, while still able to keep up and running. Several other offers were made recently as well, all shot down by Lederer & Company, but Ivey's offer was apparently the most appealing, particularily to the DoJ, which considers repayment to US players a crucial move for the company to do to at least appear legitimate.
Fast forward to earlier today, FT is now dead, and anyone with $ on the site can most likely kiss it goodbye. Even if the hearing on 7/26 goes in FT's favour, the repercussions of recent bad decisions (ie refusing to pay back players and now the total shut down of all operations) will ensure that even if FT could pay back all players, it would be to no advantage to them as they will NEVER get the player base they had in recent years.
Ivey meanwhile, is rumoured to be cooking up something on his own. Interested to see what that may be, but as far as FT is concerned, the rein is over.
The damage done to FT, Lederer, and who ever else is on the top rung at that organization are doomed. So are the players, especially the ones that not only held out hope, but every single player who had any cash on their site. The damage to the industry is irreparable, but I'm hoping if nothing else, the industry learns from this fiasco and becomes more proactive in assuring their players that their money is secure.
Howard Lederer is now considered in the same scuzzbag class of low life vermin as Russ Hamilton is, and I doubt he will say or do anything except take the funds he wrestled out and live in obscurity for the rest his days.
Richard~;271916 wroteSo some gaming comission takes away their licence to operate. They obviously knew the implications of doing so which just makes it an irresponsible call. Are these the people I trust to regulate online poker?
You trusted them enough to deposit your money . . .
Just under $400
Ouch, AJ . . . and ouch for those with BAPs on FTP, too.
guess i need to pick another poker site...or play more live. anyone know a game?
meh...my last BAP on FT was with Devon, haven't had any there since, at least I don't think so anyway, will have to review the BAP threads.
Didn't think at the time when you all pulled out that this sort of thing could happen. To me, sounded like more Chicken Little than likelihood.
Like I said before...FML
I don't know where to play tonight, Party not working either tonight.
STR82ACE;271917 wrote
The damage done to FT, Lederer, and who ever else is on the top rung at that organization are doomed. So are the players, especially the ones that not only held out hope, but every single player who had any cash on their site. The damage to the industry is irreparable, but I'm hoping if nothing else, the industry learns from this fiasco and becomes more proactive in assuring their players that their money is secure.
Howard Lederer is now considered in the same scuzzbag class of low life vermin as Russ Hamilton is, and I doubt he will say or do anything except take the funds he wrestled out and live in obscurity for the rest his days.
Funny, when all the BS happened at UB/Absolute, everyone still played there. Damage to the industry should have been irreparable then too. While I don't think that FTP will come out of this in any shape at all, if they were to open their doors again, I don't doubt people would play there.
It's true what you say about UB and yes, there are people that would definitely play there again. I think the biggest difference was UB had black sheep and scapegoats and while players lost money, it didn't affect their bottom line much in the big picture.
The big difference here is there major competitor has made things right, while there doesn't appear to be the same effort being made here, and financially they are hooped beyond all recognition here. While we tend to focus on player debts, affiliates are owed HUGE dollars as well, rake back sites etc, prob as much as US player debt. Then there are most likely advertising receivables for print, tv etc....plus a billion to the DOJ
While UB was more "disgraceful" in most eyes, they have actually done a better job than tilt it seems here in this situation and only a small percentage were affected as opposed to the masses, so it didn't hit home and register as hard, since most didn't lose anything.
No conciliation to the people that got destroyed by being super used but....
WOWOWOWOW, good thing I withdrew all my bankroll and got my money in 3 days from full tilt. :)
Also withdrew my stars roll, so now guess I am sitting back and watching to see what happens again, see what sites if any we can play on :/.
It's looking like what I said months ago how we are going to need like double our bankrolls as we will be playing in u.k. currency from what it looks like.