compuease;271749 wroteSome great input guys, exactly what I was hoping for.. (By the way, my 8hr self ban is over :) ). It appears for me that all but the very, very few (< .5%) the only way to make any decent money at this, either live or online, is to get lucky and make a big score (aka lottery). Most of us should only be thinking, entertainment value, (me) and hoping to cover our costs, therefore making it a "free" hobby. Some of us (ala Wetts) can manage to make our living the sorta honest way and making decent pocket change playing part time.
Kinda my attitude on it all, love the game, try to make enough for some toys or trips I otherwise wouldn't have taken. Event $5000 profit over a year is still not bad when you consider it's fun and how many hobbies cost money.
To me poker reminds me of being a kid (comp is old enough to remember this) and trying to find the winning liners under the caps. You might spend hours finding "please try agains", but every score feels awesome and you feel like you got something for nothing.
I often have to remind myself to look at hourly vs ROI though, as often some good old fashion work is most profitable. Money won playing always seems to be worth twice as much.
On a bit of a side note, home games seem to be juiciest as you get to know same players and how to exploit. Not biggest money available, but best ROI IMO.