Any chance we're good here?
PokerStars - $200+$15|200/400 NL (9 max) - Holdem - 9 players
Hand converted by PokerTracker 3
CO: 15,288.00
BTN: 8,249.00
SB: 14,346.00
BB: 18,160.00
UTG: 13,000.00
UTG+1: 23,863.00
MP: 11,942.00
Hero (MP+1): 11,075.00
LP: 81,368.00
CO posts ante 40.00, BTN posts ante 40.00, SB posts ante 40.00,
BB posts ante 40.00, UTG posts ante 40.00, UTG+1 posts ante 40.00, MP posts ante 40.00,
Hero posts ante 40.00,
LP posts ante 40.00, SB posts SB 200.00,
BB posts BB 400.00
Pre Flop: (960.00) Hero has Q:club: A:diamond:
Hero raises to 999.00,
LP calls 999.00,
BB calls 599.00
Flop: (3557.00, 3 players) 8:heart: Q:spade: T:diamond:
BB checks,
Hero bets 2,400.00,
LP raises to 4,800.00,
BB raises to 11,000.00
, fold, LP raises to 17,200.00, BB calls 6,121.00 and is all-in
Turn: (40199.00, 2 players) A:spade:
River: (40199.00, 2 players) 2:spade:
BB shows J:club: Q:diamond: (One Pair, Queens) (PreFlop 40%, Flop 17%, Turn 18%)
LP shows T:spade: T:club: (Three of a Kind, Tens) (PreFlop 60%, Flop 83%, Turn 82%)
LP wins 40,199.00