DennisG;271228 wroteplease move if this is the wrong section for this type of question.. let's say I sell off X% of an event which costs x dollars.
you buy 10% of that event, and for some reason, whatever it may be, I get knocked out early and opt to rebuy to the event on my own dollars...what would this effectively do to your 10%? Reduce it to 5% as you are only paying that portion of the total buy in now? Or would it still be a 10% cut regardless or is this something that is determined before the start of the beginning of the tourney?
Ideally this is figured out before hand for rebuys.
If its a freeze with a reentry its a grey area a difficult to verify or accept from a buyers perspective other than the honour system.
Effectively I am buying 10% of you for that particular tournament buyin which was negotiated prior to the event. If that buyin changes (in this case doubles) that should not be on the backer.
To avoid, I would either not re-enter where I am backed, or freeroll the backer if I do re-enter. It just avoids difficulties afterwords.