djgolfcan This is going to sound a little crazy but.. I seem to play better when staked. So I am going to try an experiment. I am looking to be staked for the $26, $12k GTD on Full Tilt (6pm EST) for the rest of the week. ($26 x 4 = $104) - Willing to sell up to 30% for $32. First to respond wins.
Hobbes djgolfcan;268603 wroteYou stalk this thread, don't you Hobbes ? dufferdevon on Full tilt. Ty sir. yes ;) JohnnieH;268607 wroteDammit! Na na nanana!!!
STR82ACE Hobbes;268602 wroteSold will ship tonght djgolfcan;268603 wroteYou stalk this thread, don't you Hobbes ? JohnnieH;268607 wroteDammit! Hobbes;268608 wrote Na na nanana!!! HOBBES IS A TROLL!! :bs:
djgolfcan The experiment is on hold until Saturday. Have to work OT tonight, Thursday night is baseball (first game of the season) and Friday is the Cave tourney. Next game should be Saturday, then Monday and Tuesday next week. Hope my backers are ok with this. I'll post an update thread for the next one.
Cerberus STR82ACE;268610 wroteHOBBES IS A TROLL!! :bs: Yes, but a troll that gives you money, so he's a good troll :)
Hobbes Cerberus;268770 wroteYes, but a troll that gives you money, so he's a good troll :) At least I don't have a winless van and a bag of candy.
STR82ACE Hobbes;268771 wroteAt least I don't have a winless van and a bag of candy. Only because you couldn't reach the pedals.^-^
djgolfcan Played 4 games - $26/each - total of $104 Won - $149.46 - less buyins ($104) - total profit - $45.46 Shipping to Hobbes - 30% of $45.46 ($13.64) plus $32 stake back - Total shipping $45.64 Let me know if my math is off.
Hobbes This is a case where the wording get's different results. Since your wording here was to buy 30%, I should receive 30% of $149.46 which would actually be $44.84 (a bit less than a profit split + stakeback) Nice job
Hobbes djgolfcan;269085 wroteOf course, you could let it ride, Hobbes, take your chances. Another 5 games, same deal ? Sure. 30% for $39?
djgolfcan I am working until 6pm all this week. I can register late when I get home for the $12K GTD, probably around 6:45ish. Or do you want me to wait until next week when I get play the tourney starting right at 6pm.