JohnnieH;268605 wroteIf you play online, just load a few .02/.05c tables.
Never slowplay, always bet when you're ahead and only draw to the nuts.
I would say this is a little tight.......
Don't slowplay when you flop top boat or better (want to build the pot big)
Slowplay (or pot control) is OK when say you flop a straight with no redraws (ie. flush, or higher straight), as sometimes when you flop the nuts, you're an underdog in the hand.
Bring 3 b/i's, as the swings can be big when you're nuts never hold.
Remember, multiway river pots, usually someone's got the nuts.
Only draw to the nuts for multiway pots....for HU pots, you can use discretion and still be profitable.
Good practice is the cheap online tables.