Vekked;267798 wrote3-bet/flatting TT, 88 and AKs?
no, 4betting and flatting TT and 88 as profitable setming hands here given stacks and flatting the hands I would normally shove for value which would be like JJ+ or maybe QQ+/Aks as "monsters" planning to always stack off in order to protect my weaker "non monster pairs"
(I would rarely 4bet at all with 1010 tho, flatting seems like the obvious choice to me, but if I were 4betting more, that's how I'd try to protect my range in this very specific example and obviously if I was not at this specific stack depth I would have to reevaluate my implied odds so I'd probably rarely ever setmine, it's a unique stack depth I guess)
Pretty blanket statement, which is not necessarily correct at all. If I'm 5-bet bluffing someone it's not because I expect to get them to fold JJ. I think you have to realize that betr is talking about games from the perspective of a highstakes player. It's entire sible/probable that 5-betting in <$50 freezes and 5-betting in 100r's has an entirely different purpose because the games play so differently.
I'm aware of this but villain is 3betting an ep raiser in a non standard 3bet position and gets 4bet to a cheesy amount by someone he doesn't know much about. How many regs would 5bet bluff a random given these stacksizes knowing full well how good his odds to call a 6bet shove would be? The ep 4bet works a tonne still, and for good reason most of the times since 5betting would require the 4bettor to fold a pretty high %age of the time meaning that the random in question would have to be capable of 4bet bluffing ep v CO a high % of the time
Edit: nvm, it's a pretty standard 3bet spot, thought villain was in the hijack position for some reason, the rest of the logic holds up still