betrthanphil;267790 wrote4 bet bluffing with 1010 should never occur!
/thread. I don't like to speak in absolutes entirely, so I wouldn't say it should NEVER occur, but I don't think many (including myself) are good enough to identify when it should be. Regardless it's one of the last hands you want to be 4-bet bluffing with in general.
His 3-bet sizing is most likely a misclick, I can't see him doing this intentionally often (although I've seen it done). People saying his sizing gives off his hand strength, you realize it's exactly minimum and he's up 6 figures online? He's not some fish clicking back the rockets so people can't get away.
Betr summed it up well mostly. Re: richard, I'm sure betr's not just clicking buttons and randomly min-4 and 5-betting, he probably has good reasons for it, and I have def done it before and there are def spots to do it. I think you are vastly underestimating the advantage that initiative gives you over position when the pot is really bloated compared to stacks. Position is basically irrelevant when the hand will end on the flop 90% of the time. Also, when people are calling your min-4bet instead of 5-betting it's often because they have the bottom of their range so they're going to be put in a lot of bad spots post flop. And:
If you 5 bet this small given stacks you leave yourself open, especially when people start merging their setmining range with their monster range
Merging your setmining range with your monster range sounds like the worst idea ~ever and if people are doing that this deep then you're pretty much printing money anyways since gl to them winning the pot when they 3-bet the 33 and it gets past a flop.