So I have decided to sell some some action for my trip to Vegas in June for The WSOP.
I am playing WSOP Event #32 $1500 on June 18th and Event #36 $2500 on June 21st.
.5% = $25
1% = $50
Here is what you get. Not only do you get a piece of my WSOP action but you also get a piece of ALL Event Tournaments I play while in Vegas. This includes Venetian Deep Stack Events ($340 & $550), Caesars Mega Stack Events ($230), Nugget ($135 & $235), Binions ($160), and any daily tournaments ($135, $165, & $235) I may play.
I will be arriving in Vegas June 17th and plan on being there for at least a week but may stay longer.
There are so many tournaments to choose from during that week with starting times of 12pm, 1pm, 2pm, 4pm, 7pm, 10pm. So i have a lot to choose from when I am not playing in The WSOP. I also will not play in any tournament while there that has a buy of less then $100.
Most of you know that I rarely play online at all, so I can't provide any stats for any online play.
I will post in this thread while in Vegas and you can also follow me on twitter with the other events I am playing.
Steven Kerr (SkinnySteve) on Twitter
I am selling 25% right now
You can send to me at the following;
Email Money Transfer - PM me for email address
FTP - stevenjkerr
PS - K.O. Kerr
crazykoby - 2% = $100 Paid (cash) PAID OUT
JohnnieH - .5% = $25 Paid (ps) PAID OUT via ps
kwsteve - 2% = $100 Paid (emt) PAID OUT via emt
betrthanphil - 10% = $500 Paid (ftp) PAID OUT
blackmagicz - 3% = 1% of mine = 10% per tourney of his action PAID OUT
Hobbes - 1% = $50 Paid (emt) PAID OUT via emt
Wetts1012 - 2.5% = $125 Paid (ps) PAID OUT
westside8 - 2% = $100 (I get 2.5% of his action in Vegas) PAID OUT
0% Remaining
Wait List
moose - 2%
ottawaplayer - 2%
str82ace - 2%