JimmyHo Haven't posted a hand in a while. Thought this was a fun hand. Live 5/5 game, in BB with 83 off. 5 callers pre-flop and I just check. Flop comes 238r. I come out betting as I like to bet my hands and hope someone got a piece of the flop. I make it $40 and get three callers. Turn brings a 5 and it seems like a semi decent card for me. I make it $100 to go (probably should have bet a bit more but I figure I'm ahead with no one re-raising on the flop) and the first player calls, next player raises to $275 and final player pushes for $575 total. First player has around $400 left and $275 raiser around $200 behind. You have everyone covered. Thoughts?
The Highflyer Easy fold, there is no way you are ahead here. I would put player 2 on a set and the final player on another set or a4.
betrthanphil wow sick hand for sure. Im assuming the suit of the 5 doesnt matter since you didnt tell us what it was haha. Think its a fold though, sets, str8s, 85 is beating you. with so much action doesnt seem like we are ahead often enough for this to be a profitable call.
compuease fold pre.... all kidding aside, fold, as above, no way you are ahead unless these are complete lunatics, and may be drawing dead...
[deleted] id keep this pot small and pretend like im supposed to lose money with 83 i think...im certainly not calling those raises but its funny that a flush draw and straight draw appeared. but even an overpair has 8 outs.
JimmyHo betrthanphil;266470 wrotewhich was... lol A4? you give them more credit than they deserve... 6 4 baby :)