Hand 1
Button with approximately 8200 chips, average about 15k
Blinds 100/200
Pocket Queens. Folded around and I raise players in the blinds to 675. T8urmoney was BB. Both blinds call, T8 jokes about me trying to steal his blind.
Flop comes K 8 x, two suited cards. Both check to me and I bet 900. Small blind re-raises enough to pot commit me on the turn, don’t remember amount, just remember over half my stack would be in hand if I call. I know his turn bet I couldn’t call if no Queen comes. I ponder pushing, but his stack is large enough and he has committed enough I don’t think he would fold. Deepstacked I think I would have had to three bet before folding here. Wasn’t the case and this call or push I figure there was a good chance it’s game over.
I don’t like folding here as his original check makes me think his hand isn’t huge. Part of me thinks that he expected me to C-bet and my 900 might have been too weakish looking or at the least defined that at I wasn’t feeling super strong. I have asked a few others and we all agree on a few things. T8urmoney tosses in a friendly needle as I muck, commentating “nice hand flush draw”.
before you make that bet on the flop i hope you made your plan already. It sounds like you didn't consider the sb's stack and what you would do if he pushed. The standard thing here i think is to bet fold qq when the flop comes king high.
I might have made some adjustments knowining its live even before i played this tourney. If I thought the blinds would both call or there would be multiple callers which is likely with this feild, i would try to sneak in a bigger raise and make it look like i just want the steal. It works best if you haven't raised yet maybe. But then you could isolate t8 maybe or have him repop you with a slightly wider range like tt,jj, aqo.
I might also bet smaller pre and prepare to set mine, knowing that there will be multiple callers with any reasonable open you put out (3x, 3.5x, 4). but maybe thats bad.
on the flop i might bet smaller as a feeler so i can comfortabley fold. there are lot of kings in both players range. but also alot of pp's that they will fold to any bet, especially the sb with t8 left to act. I can do this also because it looks like im a donkey slowplaying aces or kings.
i would never say nice draw, id just pretend he had a king and i had queens. if anything hell show the bluff because hes a monkey.
Think you played the hand fine. If you're deep stacked, I don't like to ever 3-bet there. I would rather him continue with his bluffs...than to force him to fold those hands.